The Winter BUG!

Some sound advice on keeping healthy this season!

Since the cold and flu (and now Corona Virus) season has been very active I would like to send a reminder of our illness guidelines. These guidelines can also be found in our student handbook.

Children should not be at school if they meet any of the following criteria:

  1. 1.The staff determines the child is unwilling or unable to participate in activities, won’t eat, lays head down or looks ill.
  2. 2.The child has a temperature of 100.4 or higher. The student may not return until the fever is normal for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication AND the student feels well enough to return.
  3. 3 The child has trouble breathing or a persistent cough.
  4. 4. The child has a change in behavior which may include lethargy, irritability or persistent crying.
  5. 5. The child has vomiting and/or diarrhea.
  6. 6. Have child wash hands when they get to school and at pick up time. We encourage parents to have child wash hands as soon as they get home as well.
  7.  7. Also, it is important for students to get fresh air each day at recess. If your student does not feel well enough for recess due to seasonal illness, please keep them home from school.

Please be mindful of your child’s condition to keep our school community as healthy as possible.
